Bit of a back story:
We hadn't done a proper long distance build due to mainly focusing on middle distance racing interspersed with some short course, so having my iron distance debut as a trial was a bit of a last minute idea by my coach Jon Cowell and me. We wanted to find out whether long distance was for me and something to focus on next year.
Frankly, we had no idea which direction it would go and it could have been a bit of a risk with 3 weeks back to back racing (but it was now or never with my teaching starting again tomorrow...). I did have the aerobic base from lots of swimming and running but with 35k average run weeks the marathon was going to be a complete unknown (and I had never in my life run more than 30k before... let alone off the bike).

How it went:
Turns out it was brilliant. I was looking forward to it and just wanted to put all the lessons learnt from this season together. I also felt absolutely fresh, felt no pressure coming into the race, and my mind and body were ready.
From the gun I was in a good position, finding a sustainable rhythm on the swim, coming out the water in 4th. Onto the bike I found a good paceline and held higher watts than I have in any 70.3 race this year (Thanks tapering and effective recovery!). Came off the bike in 5th position and was really looking forward to the run (so was my stiff back!). Onto the run and I set off at a faster pace than planned, and actually just managed to hold it all the way.
That famous marathon crash never came and I think it's because of very disciplined fuelling, cooling and hydrating. I also had some great company from some wonderful German middle distance competitors for the middle section of the marathon. Crossed the finish line in 3:20h line completing the race in 9:00,44. I smiled all the way through, partially because it helps me stay positive, partially because I was actually happy and the support on the course was unreal (I'm looking at you top supporter Oli Arscott ).

I'm buzzing. I'm proud of going from wanting to quit in May to a 9h debut and for my newly found love for the sport. I'm ending this first pro racing season with a big spring in my step and hungry for more.
But for now: off season and then back to a healthy routine with Southampton Tri Club !